Rotating pulverisers

  • Rotating pulverisers for primary and secondary applications. Yellow R rotating pulverisers are suitable for pulverising of concrete as well as for the primary demolition of reinforced concrete structures.
  • Rotating pulveriser separates reinforcement iron from concrete by crushing concrete. Yellow R rotating pulverizers have replaceable teeth and cutting blades for minimize service time.
  • Rotating pulveriser’s open structure of jaws maximise productivity and allow end result of suitable fraction size of concre
Model R 04 H R 06 H R 10 H R 13 H R 16 H R 20 H R 30 H R 40 H R 45 H R 60 H R 80 H R 110 H
Weight kg 480 750 950 1300 1700 2100 2800 3800 4350 5900 7800 11000
Excavator Weight t 4-12 6-13 7-15 12-22 15-22 18-26 22-35 30-50 38-70 50-90 65-120 90-150
Opening mm 450 500 610 660 680 790 925 1020 1165 1290 1500 1790


(12-22t) 1300 kg

Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 04
(4… 12 t) 480 kg
Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 06
(6… 13 t) 750 kg
Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 10
(7… 15 t) 950 kg
Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 16
(15… 22 t) 1700 kg
Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 20
(18… 26 t)
  Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 25
(24… 32 t)
Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 30
(22… 35 t)
  Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 40
(30… 50), 3 800 kg
  Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 45
(38… 70 t), 4350 kg
  Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 60
(50… 90 t)
  Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 80
(65… 120 t), 7800 kg
  Rotating pulveriser Yellow R 110
(90… 150 t)
Více o společnosti Rotating pulverisers


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